Friday, June 5, 2009


Clarefucious says "He who eat cookie in bed, will wake up feeling crumby"

Finally had some time to check out Test drive No 3 - Wikis. Had a look at three of the wikis on the list provided and on the whole, liked what I saw. I visited the Wookieepedia site - a Star Wars based wiki featuring...well...Star Wars. Not really my cup of tea but interesting all the same (and go on, the name is cute!)

I found some good tips on job interviews in the Library Success: A Best Practices wiki - I've bookmarked it to go back to later and have a thorough lookie through.

Thought I'd continue on the random-bumper-sticker thing and give you all another one that tickled:

Thanks again to Flikr for supplying this photo by "awynhaus"

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