Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Gimme an "R" gimme an "S" gimme an "R.S.S." Gooooooo TEAM!

Clarefucious says "When called an idiot sometimes is better to be quiet, than open mouth and remove all doubt."

OK, I have very little experience with RSS feeds but that probably hasn't stopped me nodding my head sagely when hearing them come up in conversation and saying things like "Oh, that's interesting" and "I understand perfectly".

License 2 Test Drive clarified things for me - so now I really CAN understand and cease making a fool out of myself (in that arena at least...). I joined with Bloglines which at first seemed a little confuzzled as it bleated an error at me, stating I was already a member and yet still sent the confirmation email through - it now seems happy to let me play within it's bounds without booting me out and screaming obscenities I don't need to hear (I get that enough from my co-workers ;).

I added a number of blogs to my feeds, including those that were professional (OPAL, SLQ, PLS & Librarian's Internet Index) and a few that were not (Dilbert's Daily Strip, Drawn! and Rotten Tomatoes - a movie review site).

I can see that if you're the sort of person to have many blogs on the go, this sort of website would be invaluable as it has everything in one place and at a glance. However, I've never been the sort to stick with blogs (either my own or others) and find that if things aren't right in front on my face when I open the net, I mainly ignore them.

I imagine looking at Blogline that there are innumerable number of ways to use the site effectively, if only you have the time to decipher, add, edit and maintain. I'm too busy finding ways to work big words such as "Innumerable" into my vocabulary.

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